Arturo Fuente Anejo No. 50 cigars (25) - is a premium cigar that is part of the limited collection of Arturo Fuente Anejo cigars. This cigar variant has a size of 127 mm and a ring gauge of 50, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a medium-sized cigar. It is crafted from a blend of tobaccos aged for up to 5 years, giving it a rich and complex flavor.
Its strong aroma of cedar and chocolate, with subtle notes of smoked tobacco, makes it a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts. Each cigar is individually packaged in an aluminum tube to maintain freshness and aroma until it is enjoyed. With superior quality and remarkable flavor, Arturo Fuente Anejo No. 50 is an excellent choice for any CIGAR collector or connoisseur of fine tastes.
One of the rarest cigars in the world, Arturo Fuente Añejo is rolled with the finest Dominican filler and binder from Chateau de la Fuente, topped with a 5-year-old maduro Connecticut wrapper aged in a Cognac barrel.
Box of 25 cigars.
Description of Arturo Fuente Anejo No. 50 (25) cigars:
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