Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Cigar - Torpedo cigar - This remarkable series of
cigars stands out with its refinement and superior quality, offering an unmatched smoking experience. The "Vintage 1990" cigars are renowned for their medium taste, with distinct flavors of walnut, chocolate, and caramel. This range of
cigars is made from carefully selected tobacco from Honduras, aged for a minimum of 12 years, while the binder and filler tobaccos have been aged for at least 7 years.
The extended aging process ensures a complex combination of flavors and a rich taste, thanks to the prolonged fermentation. With a rating of 92 points awarded by the prestigious luxury
CIGAR magazine "Cigar Aficionado," the "Vintage 1990" series is recognized for its exceptional quality and captivating aromas. These
cigars have been included twice in the top 25
cigars of the year list.
The Torpedo
cigar from the Vintage 1990 range has a classic and elegant shape, with a Maduro wrapper that complements it perfectly. The
cigar measures approximately 15.87 cm in length and has a ring gauge of 52, providing a comfortable and enjoyable smoking experience. Manufactured in Honduras by the renowned producer ROCKY PATEL, these
cigars are crafted with great attention to detail and expertise.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Cigar - Torpedo cigar
The filler is composed of a combination of tobacco from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, both aged for 7 years, while the binder is from Nicaragua. The Honduran Broadleaf wrapper is aged for 12 years, giving the
cigar a distinct character and an attractive appearance. Each
cigar in the Vintage 1990 - Torpedo box is a perfect choice for those seeking a premium smoking experience.
With a rectangular section and a medium strength, these cigars offer a perfect combination of flavor and refinement. The
Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 - Torpedo cigars are available in a box of 20 pieces. Whether you are an experienced
cigar enthusiast or want to explore the fascinating world of
cigar smoking, these
cigars are the perfect choice to indulge your senses and enjoy an authentic experience. is the sole online shop that sale
cigars by the piece.