Davidoff Grand Cru Robusto Cigars (4) - In the universe of cigars, there are creations that not only stand out but redefine expectations. The "
Davidoff Grand Cru Robusto" is one such example, embodying the elegance and refinement that the Davidoff House has achieved after years of research and dedication.
cigars symbolize the perfect alchemy between tradition and the modern art of
cigar production. Each tobacco leaf is carefully chosen from the best plantations in the Dominican Republic, resulting in a harmonious and sophisticated blend.
The taste is both refined and captivating, with subtle notes of oak, vanilla, and a delicate black pepper aroma that enriches the bouquet. As the cigar burns, additional flavors emerge, such as cocoa, dried fruits, and a light hint of espresso.
Specifications for "Davidoff Grand Cru Robusto Cigars":
- Shape: Robusto;
- Length: 14 cm;
- Diameter - Ring: 50;
- Intensity: Medium to full;
- Packaging: Exquisitely carved wooden box, distinctively engraved with the Davidoff brand, containing individually wrapped cigars;
- Smoking Duration: 50-60 minutes.
The packaging aims to reflect the nobility and refinement of the DAVIDOFF brand, underscoring the superior quality of the product.