Oliva Serie V Liga Especial Torpedo Cigars - The "Oliva Serie V Liga Especial Torpedo" is an exceptional cigar, noted for its distinct flavors of coffee, nuts, leather, and caramel. This cigar, originating from Nicaragua, has a torpedo shape and is of medium strength. It has a ring gauge of 56 and a length of 15 cm (6 inches). It is widely recognized for its outstanding quality and rich, full flavor profile.
The Oliva Serie V Torpedo is highly regarded by cigar aficionados. It boasts a complex blend of Nicaraguan long filler tobaccos and a specially fermented Jalapa Valley ligero. It is completed with a high-priming Habano Sun Grown Wrapper, contributing to its full-bodied taste and complexity. This cigar has been praised for its "nut, wood, and sweet cedar flavors that frame a substantial leather core," making it a rich and full-flavored choice for those who appreciate a complex smoke.
The Serie V Torpedo is handmade by the Oliva Cigar Co., a company with a long-standing tradition and reputation in the cigar industry. The craftsmanship of this cigar is evident in its construction and flavor, with its sun-grown wrapper adding a unique richness and depth to the overall smoking experience. This cigar is known for its full strength, appealing to those who prefer a more robust smoking experience.
In summary, the Oliva Serie V Liga Especial Torpedo is a premium cigar that offers a luxurious and complex smoking experience, characterized by its rich flavors and impeccable construction.