Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Toro Cigars - Imbued with the heritage and nobility of Nicaraguan tobacco, the Joya de Nicaragua Clásico Toro beckons you to explore an official symbol of national identity in the world of cigars. Esteemed for its superior quality, this "Puro" was the first to be exported from Nicaragua and now proudly dominates the European market as the best-selling blend.
The Joya de Nicaragua Clásico Toro is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, offering a robust construction and a rich colorado color that foretells a remarkable smoking experience. Its solid design, in the classic Toro shape, is complemented by an even burn and perfect draw, allowed by the superior quality of the Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper.
With a balanced strength ranging from mild to medium, this cigar reveals its personality in complex flavor nuances: starting with a lively pepper taste, balanced and not overpowering, evolving into earthy tones enriched with floral accents and subtle hints of dried fruits and nuts. The flavors blend harmoniously, pampering the senses with an authentic and refined tasting experience.
Meticulously constructed with a natural type wrapper that envelops a robust core of Nicaraguan binder and filler, all contribute to its deeply captivating aromatic profile. Each cigar measures 15.2 cm in length and has a 50 ring gauge, dimensions that ensure a lengthy and satisfying smoking experience.
Ideal for those who appreciate a classic smoking experience as well as connoisseurs seeking complexity and refinement, the Joya de Nicaragua Clásico Toro is a distinguished choice, proudly carrying the title of ambassador of Nicaraguan tradition in the world of cigars.