Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Torpedo Cigars - Discover the excellence of Nicaraguan tradition in the craft of tobacconist artistry with the Joya de Nicaragua Clásico Torpedo cigars. Presented in an elegant box containing 10 pieces, these cigars await connoisseurs with a promise of distinctive flavor and a refined smoking experience.
Joya de Nicaragua Clásico, with its unique torpedo shape, is more than a cigar; it is an emblem of national pride, being the first Nicaraguan puro exported and acknowledged as the national cigar symbol of the country. This regal status is a testament to the quality and tradition reflected in every swirl of smoke.
Upholding the brand ethos of producing cigars with an accessible strength, the Joya de Nicaragua Clásico Torpedo is perfect for those who prefer a gentler smoking experience. Its smoke reveals subtle, creamy-woody notes that envelop the senses, all thanks to its Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, renowned for its silky texture and flawless appearance.
These cigars are a reflection of the Nicaraguan soil – rich and fertile, bestowing a unique identity to the tobacco. With a ring gauge of 52 and a generous length of 15.2 cm, each Joya de Nicaragua Clásico Torpedo cigar is a testament to the craftsmanship and attention to detail that characterizes this venerable cigar house.
Whether you are unwinding after a lavish meal or enjoying a quiet moment with a fine drink, these cigars are trustworthy companions, invoking the authentic spirit of Nicaragua with every puff. Step into a world where time seems to slow down, and where each draw reminds of the uninterrupted connection to the land and its traditions.