Joya de Nicaragua Joya Red Toro Cigars - Joya de Nicaragua introduces the Joya Red Toro, a cigar designed for the modern smoker seeking a vibrant and enjoyable smoking experience, adaptable to any moment and place. These cigars, part of the Joya de Nicaragua - Joya Red collection, are individually wrapped in cello, ensuring that each cigar maintains its freshness and flavor until the moment of enjoyment.
With a classic Toro shape and medium strength, the Joya Red Toro is ideal for both relaxing and social moments. This cigar has a generous length of 15.2 cm (6 inches) and a ring gauge of 52, offering a balanced and satisfying smoking experience.
The Nicaraguan Habano wrapper adds a fine texture and a complex aromatic profile. The Colorado color of the wrapper is not only visually pleasing but also indicative of the richness of flavors you will discover. The Nicaraguan binder and filler complete this cigar, providing a palette of authentic and nuanced aromas.
The Joya Red Toro from Joya de Nicaragua is more than just a cigar; it is an invitation to explore the world of cigars through the lens of a modern smoker. Each draw is a journey into a world of tastes and aromas, allowing you to enjoy smoking wherever you may be. This cigar represents the perfect balance between tradition and innovation, making it an ideal choice for those who wish to enjoy a superior smoking experience.
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