Oliva Serie V Melanio Limited Edition 2021 Cigars - A Masterpiece of Refinement and PassionThe revelation of the year in the world of cigars, the "Oliva Serie V Melanio Limited Edition 2021" stands as the pinnacle of the Oliva family's dedication and craftsmanship. Originating from the heart of Nicaragua, these special cigars are a vibrant evocation of tradition and passion for quality smoking.
Belonging to the prestigious Oliva Serie V Melanio collection, these cigars subtly blend the complexity of aroma with a medium strength, offering a perfect balance between power and finesse. With a unique "Nub" shape, these compact cigars provide an intense smoking experience, laden with varied nuances and textures.
Elegantly packaged in a box containing 10 cigars, each piece measures 10 cm in length and sports a generous ring gauge of 60, promising a slow and flavorful burn. The wrapper from Ecuador envelops a Nicaraguan binder and filler, creating a symphony of flavors that reside in each cigar.
The "Oliva Serie V Melanio Limited Edition 2021" is not just a cigar, but an ode to the art of crafting and savoring an exceptional cigar, an experience meant to linger in the memories of those who choose to indulge in it.