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The aromatic profile of these cigars is complex and refined, thanks to the careful blending of premium Nicaraguan tobaccos. The Ecuadorian Habano seed wrapper adds a note of elegance and a seductive texture, while the blend of tobacco inside the cigar reveals a rich and nuanced bouquet of flavors, including notes of coffee, dark chocolate, pepper, and a subtle hint of caramel.
The distinctive Diadema shape, with its elongated and elegant end, not only adds an extra level of visual sophistication but also optimizes the tasting experience by concentrating the flavors and providing a slow and consistent burn. This shape allows for the gradual unveiling of the cigar's complexity, inviting a meditative and deeply satisfying tasting.
Crafted in limited quantities to ensure the highest standard of quality and attention to detail, the Oliva Edicion Limitada Serie V Melanio Diadema 10 cigars are a testament to artisanal mastery and a passion for the finest tobacco. Their premium packaging, along with the exclusivity and refinement they represent, makes them a perfect choice for special moments or as an exceptional gift for cigar lovers.
Without a doubt, the Oliva Edicion Limitada Serie V Melanio Diadema 10 collection transcends the ordinary, offering an irresistible invitation into a world where excellence and pleasure meet in every detail.
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