Delivery date: 24-72 hours
With compact dimensions, characteristic of the Coronita format, these cigars are ideal for short moments of relaxation. The length of 4 inches (approximately 10 cm) and a ring gauge of 30 ensure a quick but intense tasting, perfectly balanced to satisfy the desire for coffee and quality tobacco at the same time.
The heart of this cigar is made from a blend of select tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, known for its fine texture and rich flavors. The wrapper is enriched with macchiato essences, offering creamy notes of milk coffee, chocolate, and a slight sweetness, perfectly complementing the robustness of the tobacco.
The slow and even burn of the Oliva Nub Cafe Macchiato Tubo Coronita cigars allows for a full appreciation of the sophisticated combination of flavors, turning each smoking experience into a memorable event. Presented in individual tubes, these cigars are perfect for taking on trips, ensuring a fresh and flavorful tasting whenever desired.
The Oliva Nub Cafe Macchiato Tubo Coronita from the Dominican Republic is more than just a cigar; it is a celebration of pleasure moments, a meeting point between the rich and diverse world of coffee and the traditional world of cigars. It is the perfect choice for those looking to try something new and indulge in bold and innovative flavors.
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