Oliva Serie V Liga Especial Sampler Variety Nicaragua Cigars (5) - Represents a select collection, created to offer cigar enthusiasts a diversified and satisfying experience. This sampler variety includes a range of cigars from the prestigious Serie V Liga Especial, each carefully selected to showcase the complexity and depth of flavors that characterize high-quality Nicaraguan tobacco.
The collection is designed to impress with diversity, giving smokers the opportunity to explore different sizes, shapes, and aromatic profiles, all under the Serie V umbrella, renowned for its intensity and richness of taste. From robusto to torpedo and from figurado to churchill, each format is an invitation to discover the unique nuances of perfectly matured and expertly rolled Nicaraguan tobacco.
The rich and aromatic wrappers, coming from top selections of Habano seeds, envelop a strong and complex interior blend, offering smokers a palette of flavors ranging from dark chocolate and coffee to notes of pepper and wood. This variety ensures that each cigar in the Sampler Variety provides a unique experience, while maintaining the high standard of quality and satisfaction recognized of the Serie V Liga Especial.
Presented in elegant packaging, the Oliva Serie V Liga Especial Sampler Variety cigars are an ideal choice for those wishing to indulge in the finesse and diversity of Nicaraguan tobacco, whether they are seasoned connoisseurs or newcomers to the fascinating world of cigars. It is also an exceptional gift for cigar enthusiasts, offering an excellent opportunity to experience and appreciate the variety and quality offered by OLIVA.