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These cigars feature an Ecuadorian Habano seed wrapper, valued for its fine texture and complex aroma, which adds a distinctive note of refinement to each cigar. The heart of these cigars is made from a blend of the highest quality, perfectly matured tobaccos, offering a deep and rich taste experience. Notes of dark chocolate, coffee, wood, and a slight hint of pepper create a balanced and delightful aromatic profile, promising a memorable tasting.
The Toro shape, appreciated for its generous dimensions that allow for the full revelation of the blend's complex nuances, is perfect for leisurely savoring this exceptional cigar. The even burn and consistent smoke trail highlight the exceptional quality of the tobacco and the attention to every detail in the manufacturing process.
The Oliva Serie V Melanio Toro 10 Limited Edition 2020 is not just a tribute to tradition and craftsmanship but also an invitation to partake in a unique experience and to celebrate a passion for cigars. This collection, available in limited quantities, is destined to become a cherished piece in the collection of any cigar lover, offering moments of pure and uninterrupted pleasure.
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