Santa Clara Cigars - a distinguished name in the cigar industry, has a storied past that intertwines deeply with Mexico's tobacco tradition, especially rooted in the fertile grounds of San Andrés Tuxtla, Veracruz. The brand's inception dates back to 1967, when Jorge Ortiz Alvarez, stemming from a lineage engaged in tobacco and cigar making since before the Mexican Revolution, decided to carve out his own niche in the cigar world.
Unlike his ancestors, Ortiz Alvarez chose not to grow tobacco but instead to focus on crafting cigars, utilizing tobacco that his father could not sell internationally at first. This decision laid the foundation for what would become an emblem of quality and tradition in the Mexican cigar industry.
Over the years, Santa Clara Puros has undergone significant evolution, including a devastating fire in 1983 that destroyed their factory. Despite this setback, production halted for only two days, showcasing the resilience and determination of Ortiz Alvarez and his team.
Today, the company has expanded its offerings and exports to various countries, maintaining a commitment to quality that has allowed them to significantly increase their sales and market presence.
In 2019, the brand underwent a significant modernization with the redesign of its iconic Santa Clara 1830 line, which was originally launched in 1968 by Jorge Ortiz, whose maternal family was part of the Carrion tobacco dynasty.
The Santa Clara 1830 line is known for its blend of San Andres filler, San Andres morron limpio binder, and Capa Fina Rosada San Andres wrapper, a testament to the brand's dedication to showcasing the best of Mexican tobacco.
Jorge Ortiz's journey in the cigar industry reflects a deep passion for quality and innovation. From his early memories of working on his family's tobacco farm to his endeavors in creating a brand that stands on the merit of its product rather than the legacy of tobacco cultivation, Ortiz has focused on blending the finest tobaccos to produce cigars that rival even the most renowned Cuban cigars.
His approach to sourcing tobacco—prioritizing quality over origin—has allowed Santa Clara Puros to craft blends that are celebrated worldwide. Ortiz's vision for Santa Clara is not just about maintaining the high quality of their cigars but also about evolving with the times, whether through modernizing their designs or exploring new blends that continue to captivate cigar aficionados around the globe.