Villiger Cigars - Villiger is a prestigious brand of cigars, founded by Jean Villiger in 1888 in the small town of Pfeffikon, Switzerland, where it is still headquartered today. This brand is known for producing cigars in Switzerland, using top selections of Cuban tobacco and from the most fertile growing regions in the world.
Villiger cigars are appreciated for their diversity, offering options from pressed and nut-tasted to rustic variants with unmistakable mouthpieces, thus guaranteeing a pleasant and relaxing smoking experience.
Villiger offers a variety of cigar types, including selections like Villiger Premium No.3 Sumatra, which are distinguished by their spicy taste and warm walnut flavors, complemented by a bright natural wrapper. These characteristics make Villiger cigars an excellent choice for those seeking an authentic and high-quality smoking experience from Central and South America.
To provide as wide a range of smoking experiences as possible, Villiger also has special packs available, such as Villiger Premium No.3 Sumatra (50), which include various sizes and types of cigars to satisfy the varied preferences of smokers.
This approach underscores the brand's commitment to quality and diversity, ensuring that every smoker can find the perfect cigar for their moment of relaxation.